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Rates Information
Ngā Mōhiohio Reiti

If you're a property owner you're responsible for paying rates on your property. In this section you'll find information about your rates including how to pay your rates, what happens if you miss a payment or are in arrears, how to receive your rates bill by email, and more on our rates remission policy.

Rates instalment dates

  • Instalment 1 - Due 30 August 2024
  • Instalment 2 – Due 28 February 2025

Direct debit for rates and new properties created through subdivision

If you have a direct debit agreement operating on your property you are subdividing, once new titles have been issued a new valuation reference will be created for the new allotments. You will need to complete a new form for any new properties as these will not be automatically added and you will not be notified that these accounts are not on direct debit.

Rates arrears and missed payments 

Please let us know if you are having problems paying your rates or clearing arrears because of financial hardship. We may be able to help solve them.

Arrears balances

If your account has an arrears balance (as at 30 June of the previous rating year) and you would like to set up a direct debit to pay off the arrears, please contact us.

Missed payments

If you want to miss a direct debit payment, you need to contact us at least two days before the due date with the details so we can make arrangements with you. If you have missed a direct debit payment, then your bank will advise us of the dishonour. We will send you a letter advising that the payment has been dishonoured and ask you whether you would like the direct debit increased to cover the payments or make a manual payment to bring the direct debit up to date. If you have missed payments and have not brought them up to date you may incur a penalty which will apply to any balance as of 31st May.

Rates by email

You can also receive rates invoices by email. Please complete this form 

Rates by email

Rates remission policy

Council's rates remission policy identifies the ways in which rates may be remitted by Council. There are a number of reasons why rates may be remitted, including:

  • Contiguous properties
  • Cultural reasons
  • Covenanted land

Council has two policies covering remission of rates:

  • Rates remission policy
  • Remission of rates on Māori Freehold Land
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