Keyword: #foodfees

Food Premises Fees & Charges
Ngā Utu Wāhi Kai

In this section you'll find all the information you need to know about the fees and charges associated with opening or running your food business in our district.

Food Premises

Food Premises Fees and Charges approved for 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2025.

All fees and charges are inclusive of GST (except as noted *).

All Registration TypesFee (incl GST)
All Administration & Verification Activities
Note: including pre-registration assistance, annual audit/verification, reporting, non-conformance visits and any activity not specified in the schedule below.
Within Ōtorohanga District$165.00 per hour, plus $1.20 per km
Outside Ōtorohanga District$220.00 per, hour plus $1.20 per km
Cancellation of scheduled verification (audit) within 24 hours OR key personnel not available for the verification.$165.00
Copies of Food Control Plan folder and documents$25.00
Food Control Plans
Note: plus hourly rate after first hour
Application for Registration of a template Food Control Plan$410.00
Application for Renewal of registration of a template Food Control Plan $320.00
Application for a Significant Amendment [section 45(3)] of registration of template Food Control Plan, OR move from Food Control Plan to National Programme during registration year.$150.00
Application for a Minor Amendment [section 45(2)] of registration of template Food Control Plan$75.00
Voluntary Suspension of Food Control Plan$85.00
National Programmes
Note: plus hourly rate after first hour
Application for Registration of National Programme$410.00
Application for Renewal of registration of National Programme$320.00
Application for a Significant Amendment [section 81] of registration of National Programme, OR move from National Programme to Food Control Plan during the registration period.$150.00
Voluntary Suspension of National Programme$85.00
Compliance Monitoring
Issue of Improvement Notice, OR Review of an Improvement Notice$150.00
Application for Statement of Compliance$150.00
General Inspection Fee$150.00
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