Keyword: #stockfees

Stock Control Fees & Charges
Ngā Utu Whakahaere Kararehe

See fees relating to stock control including pound fees, notification advertisements, sustenance fees, driving charges, tresspassing costs and stock movement fees.

Stock Control

Stock Control Fees and Charges approved for 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2025.

All fees and charges are inclusive of GST (except as noted *).

Stock ControlFee (incl GST)
Pound Fees
Note: Impounded stock will only be released from the pound between the hours of 8:30am and 5:00pm Monday to Friday on full payment of all fees. No releases to be made on Saturdays, Sundays or public holidays
For every horse, mare, gelding, colt, filly or foal$50.00
For every mule or ass$50.00
For every bull above the age of 9 months (per head up to 6 head)$50.00
For every bull above the age of 9 months (for every head over 6 head)$22.00
For every ox, cow, steer, heifer or calf (per head up to 6 head)$40.00
For every ox, cow, steer, heifer or calf (for every head over 6 head)$22.00
For every stag above the age of 9 months$50.00
For all other deer$40.00
For every ram above the age of four months$16.00
For every ewe, wether or lamb$11.00
For every goat$11.00
For every boar$45.00
For all other pigs$45.00
Notification Advertisement
In addition to the above fees and to be considered part of the poundage fee, where applicable, a notification fee of a newspaper circulating in the local authority district$60.00
Repeated Impounding
Where stock, not necessarily the same animal, but owned by the same person is impounded on a second or subsequent occasion, the Poundage fee hall be twice that charged on the initial impounding.Double initial impounding fee
Sustenance fees shall be payable by the owner of impounded stock sufficient to reimburse the Council for all actual and reasonable costs incurred in the sustenance of the stock provided that no such fee shall be less than (per head of stock per day)$8.00
Driving Charges
In the case of any stock found trespassing, straying or wandering on any road, the owner shall pay to the Council all actual and reasonable costs incurred in loading, driving or conveying the stock from the place where it is found to the nearest poundActual Costs
TrespassingFee (incl GST)
Trespass on any paddock of grass or stubble
For every horse, cattle, beast, deer, ass or mule (per day)$3.00
For every sheep (per day)$1.00
For every pig or goat (per day)$6.00
Trespass on any land bearing any growing crop or from which the crop has not been removed, or in any reserve, cemetery or burial ground
For every horse, cattle, beast, deer, ass or mule (per day)$6.00
For every sheep (per day)$2.00
For every pig or goat (per day)$12.00

Stock Movement

Stock Movement Fees and Charges approved for 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2025.

All fees and charges are inclusive of GST (except as noted *).

Stock MovementFee (incl GST)
Refundable Bond (costs or expenses covered by droving)$625.00
Construction of a cattle race on a road reserve - Application Fee$145.00
Installation of a road crossing for dairy cattle - Application Fee$145.00
Cattle Underpass - Refundable Bond (to ensure satisfactory completion of the work)$1,000.00
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