Help using our building consent search
Our building consent search starts searching once you have stopped typing and typed at least 3 characters. It will come back with the closest matches. This search is limited to 50 results so just keep typing if your building consent is not showing to refine your search more.
For the best results search by consent number, if searching by address start with the number of your property and then the street name e.g. 10 smith.
There are five different ways to search for your building consent:
- Address
- Consent Number
- Valuation Number
- Legal Description
- Certificate of Title
Once you find the building consent that you are looking for you can select it and the page will load with the building consent information. As well as the building consent information it will provide you quick access to all the publicly available digital information that we have on property that building consent is for. Please allow some time for the page to load as it's bringing back a lot of information. You will be able to see the following:
- Rates Information (rates, proposed rates, valuations, history etc.)
- Property Information (area, legal description, land parcels etc.)
- Building Consents (progress, inspections, history etc.)
- Resource Consents (progress, history etc.)
- Swimming Pools
- Water Rates Information
- and more as well add it
If you have any issues with this search or questions about the information then please contact council.