Keyword: #stockcrossingpermits

Stock Crossing Permits
Ngā Puka Whakaaetanga Whakawhiti Kararehe

If you need your dairy cattle to cross a road (for example to get from a cowshed to a paddock), you will need to apply for a stock crossing permit. In this section you'll find more information about the rules and how to apply for a stock crossing permit.

Applying for a stock crossing permit

All stock crossing permit applications will be assessed against Council's Bylaw in respect of underpass requirements. The outcome of this assessment may result in the application being declined or approved but with the construction of an underpass being required before a specific date.


These conditions are extracted from the Stock Movement Bylaw 2014 and are not all that will be required to be met, merely an idea of what will be required to obtain a permit.

  1. Stock crossing permits are for dairy cattle only
  2. The crossing must have clear visibility as set out in the table below:

    Operating Speed (v85)* Minimum Sigh Distances (metres)
    50 kph 45
    60 kph 65
    70 kph 85
    80 kph 115
    100 kph 140
    * The Engineering Manager will advise as to the operating speed on any particular section of the road.


  • The permit holder is to make clear provisions for removing animal droppings, mud etc from the road by washing, sweeping or grading and picking up the material for disposal at an off-the-road site. Any wash down facilities will need to comply with Waikato Regional Council requirements.
  • Crossing of stock will not be permitted during hours of darkness or other periods of limited visibility unless approved flashing lights and traffic controls are employed.


  • Application form
  • Traffic management plan
  • Public Liability Insurance Certificate
  • Council fee
  • Stock Crossing Application Form

Stock Crossing Application Form

Before making this application, please read the conditions as detailed in the Third Schedule of Council’s Stock Movement Bylaw 2014. Before a Permit will be issued a Council Officer will meet with you on site to ensure that all conditions have been met.

Follow this link if the form fails to load. online form.
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