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A day of renewal at Huipūtea Reserve

Mana Whenua representation, community members and Ōtorohanga District Council Elected Members and staff came together on 29 August to witness a moment of renewal and connection as eight kahikatea saplings found their new home underneath Huipūtea.

A day of renewal at Huipūtea Reserve

   Added 6 months ago

Mana Whenua representation, community members and Ōtorohanga District Council Elected Members and staff came together on 29 August 2024 to witness a moment of renewal and connection as eight kahikatea saplings found their new home underneath Huipūtea - a 300 year old kahikatea tree which is a living testament to a significant historical event - a battle between Ngāti Maniapoto and Ngāpuhi in 1822.
The planting of these trees provides a place for future generations to experience the significance of our native kahikatea and history of the ground in which they are planted.
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